Signage Example

Agri-Cycle’s Story

Agri-Cycle Energy has been around since 2011 and is growing and expanding every day. Keep reading to understand how we went from being a small-scale independent farm to how we scaled up to serving clients and partners across the Northeast! Agri-Cycle’s Unique Journey  2011 to 2014 Our early beginnings started with a farm and a…

the numbers

The True Cost of Food Waste: Impacting Our Economy, Environment, and Society (Part One)

Every year, billions of pounds of food go to waste, leaving a trail of economic, environmental, and societal consequences in its wake. But what many don’t realize is that this isn’t just about discarded leftovers or expired produce. The implications of food waste ripple through our global economy, strain our planet’s resources and exacerbate societal…

A row of Agricycle food waste totes bins outside a business.

Food Waste Recycling Tips For Summer

Food Waste Recycling Tips For Summer Summertime can pose a number of challenges when managing your food waste/scraps recycling program. Proactively addressing those challenges with the solutions below will help ensure that ALL of the food waste and food scraps on-site end up being anaerobically digested or composted. A clean food waste/scraps program helps keep…

Marriott Sable Oaks, South Portland, ME

Partner Profile Chris Merriam and his staff at Sable Oaks were among the first of Agri-Cycle’s partners. Their leadership in food waste recycling and other sustainability initiatives has been a model for hotels throughout Maine and the region. Chris’ dedication to this program has not wavered, and he always keeps an eye out for ways…

Good Shepherd Food Bank, Auburn, ME

Partner Profile The Good Shepherd Food Bank has contributed tons upon tons of food to Maine’s undernourished populations over the years, and has more recently begun working with Agri-Cycle on diverting its spoiled or damaged food products from the waste stream. It has been a privilege working with Sam Michaud and his team on this…

Agri-Cycle featured in BioCycle magazine

BioCycle Magazine, the preeminent organics recycling publication in the U.S., featured the new partnership between Agri-Cycle/Exeter Agri-Energy and ecomaine in their November 2016 issue. Agri-Cycle Energy picks up the food scraps from a dedicated area on the top floor at the WTE plant, transports them to Exeter Agri-Energy for depackaging and digestion, and returns the…

BonAppetit cafeteria at Colby College

Partner Profile Colby College is a true leader in campus sustainability, and we are very proud to be working with the staff on this organics diversion program. Kevin and other Colby staff members are constantly looking for ways to minimize the campus’ environmental footprint and maximize their “green” efforts. Since working together, Colby has successfully…